Black Friday wins the hearts of the Polish people every year, becoming synonymous in the e-commerce world with shopping frenzy and record sales. On this day, consumers expect incredible deals and business owners prepare for increased traffic, investing in marketing and customer service. But how can online shops optimise their actions to take full advantage of this potential? We come to your aid with a checklist comprised of our tested tips.
Black Friday is traditional sales day which heralds the season of holiday shopping in the USA. In the digital era of the dominance of e-commerce in sales strategies, it has become a global phenomenon. The success for online shops on Black Friday depends on effective marketing campaign, website optimisation, logistics and customer service. Understanding the specificity of online shopping and applying analytical tools are key to profit maximisation. Knowing the challenges of this season, we want to share with you our checklist of the most important steps in preparation for Black Friday.
How do we do this at Coffedesk?
Strategy based on data analysis:
In the era of the internet, data is gold. First, look back – what products were your best sellers on previous Black Fridays? Can you see any dominant trends among your consumers? Data analysis will help you focus on the products that will probably be a hit this year. If you sell coffee, perhaps eco-friendly packaging or special editions will be the magnets for your customers.

Perfection in your website’s details:
The moment your potential customer visits your website, they make a choice whether to stay or move to your competitors. Make sure everything is clear: from the menu to product descriptions. Invest in website speed monitoring tools, and if CTAs don’t work as they should, think through their location and messaging.
Effective design:
Imagine your shop as a window display in a shopping centre. What products do you want to display at the front? What messages should attract your customer’s attention? Simple but effective design with clear special offers and visible ‘Buy now’ buttons may work wonders.
The power of social media :
It is not only the space for sharing content, but also an excellent marketing tool. Think of engaging contests, live streaming to present products or even tutorial videos. If your brand has personality, let it shine on social media! Believe that it’s worth it!
E-mail marketing with style:
Imagine that you receive a message reminding you about that coffee machine you were checking out a few days before and now it’s on special offer. Personalised e-mails have a bigger conversion potential. Make sure that your messaging is attractive and tailored to your customer’s individual needs.
Building relationships via rewards programmes:
Black Friday is a perfect occasion to thank your regular customers for their loyalty. Perhaps with a special discount, only for them? Or an extra product as a bonus for a purchase over a specific price? There are so many options to think of!
Uninterrupted communication and excellent customer service:
Expect higher traffic on the website and more inquiries to your customer service team. Make sure you are prepared for that – increase the number of people responsible for customer service, implement chatbots or offer additional channels for communication..
Success indicators and analytical tools :
Every shop has different goals. Define what you want to achieve on Black Friday – increasing the sales of a particular product, gaining new customers or increasing the value of an average shopping basket. Then, monitor these indicators with suitable analytical tools.

How to transform Black Friday into a golden moment for your shop?
Black Friday is more than just the peak of the commercial calendar. It is an incredible opportunity for the brands to establish long-term relationships with new customers and tighten the relationships with their regular ones. In 2023, in the world of e-commerce which is becoming increasingly competitive, the key to success is deep understanding and satisfying the needs and expectations of customers.
At Coffeedesk we believe that the success of Black Friday doesn’t come only from attractive discounts. It is the result of monitoring the newest trends on the market, investing in innovative technologies and constantly taking care of authenticity in relationships with customers. Nowadays, consumers expect more – not only good offers, but also commitment, understanding and personalised approach. We hope that out tips will help you prepare for this special time.